Monday, September 7, 2009

Jaluino v1.1: enhanced Arduino-like board

Jaluino, with user guide, schematics, PCB, shields, etc... can now be reached on the following sites:

Main site:

Last time, I built Jaluino v1.0, the very first version of Jaluino. Jaluino is an Arduino-like board (some even say a clone), based on a Microchip PIC 18F4550, and powered by jalv2 and jallib. This first version was very encouraging, but several points had to be improved. Quite a lot of has been discussed, now has come the next version: Jaluino v1.1

What's been improved ?

Several important points were discussed and improved:

  • i²c support. Jaluino v1.0 lacked i²c support, this new Jaluino v1.1 version now provides a new connector, and two jumpers to select whether the board should act as a master or a slave (more on this on a later tutorial I guess). This is an important point, as i²c is widely used. Jaluino now provides mostly important communication connectors: serial, USB, ICSP and i²c.
  • 3.3V power supply. Lots of components uses this voltage. Jaluino v1.1 provides 3.3V through the power supply connector. There are several options to choose the regulator: LM3940, LD1117V33, LM1117T, LM1086, LF33V, ... Not all have the same pinning. For now, we provide two options:
    • Input/Ground/Ouput pinning: use LM3940, LF33V. See Jaluino v1.1a.
    • Ground/Output/Input pinning: use LD1117V33, LM1117T, LM1086. See Jaluino v1.1b.
  • More space between connector shields. Last version revealed space between shield connectors weren't big enough, you couldn't put a mini-breadboard between them. This time, connectors have more space, slightly more than original Arduino's.
(also, because Richard, who designed the board, doesn't like vias, he removed one :))

Schematics and PCBs

  • Jaluino v1.1a: Input/Ground/Ouput pinning, using LM3940 or LF33V. See schematic and PCB.
  • Jaluino v1.1b: Ground/Output/Input pinning, using LD1117V33, LM1117T or LM1086. See schematic and PCB.
Note: by the time of writing, files are being renamed, in any case, go to Jaluino directory here, and select the appropriate files. Eventually, there will be one version remaining, to keep the whole thing simple...)


Here are couples of photos showing the results. The version built is Jaluino v1.1b, expecting to use LM1086 3.3V regulator. But that doesn't make a difference, since I'm still waiting to receive the part :). So note there's no 3.3V regulator on the board, yet it's working with 5V...

(this is not the best board I built, I had quite some problems mostly due to my etchant being too saturated, so expect the more beautiful board next time !)

Most components used to build Jaluino v1.1, except LM1086 and few caps

Jaluino v1.1 is born !

(ugly) Copper side

Connectors, from left to right: USB, serial, i²c and ICSP

Jaluino v1.1 and Wisp648, programming step

Wisp648 can directly be connected to Jaluino ISCP connector, making easy to program chip on-board

Another one :)

Jaluino v1.1, blinking a LED (while waiting for a development shield...)

Power connector supplies the breadboard with +5V

LED is connected to RA0, a wire is used to connect this pin to the breadboard

Breadboard view...

So... I need to "practice" this new Jaluino v1.1 board. Next steps are:
  • documentation, explaining, for instance, how to use jumpers, etc...
  • tutorials, showing how to use the board, with jalv2 & jallib (please provide some suggestions about covered topics)
  • shields building, an intermediate shield acting as a converter between Jaluino's and Arduino's original shields, and a development shield, to experiment with LCD, ADC, PWM, sounds, buttons, ... Any more suggestions ?

Sébastien Lelong & Richard Zengerink